who is Trey Canard?

Some families go to the lake, some play baseball, the Canard’s went to the motocross track.

Some of my first memories were on a motorcycle at my parents local dealership and fortunately enough I was able to carry that love of motorcycling into a 10 year racing career. With hero’s like Jeremy Mcgrath, Guy Cooper, Robbie Reynard and Ricky Carmichael - becoming a champion was always my dream and I’m thankful to have done that.

 While I wish I could have done more as a racer, I never expected to get to experience the new season I’m in. I’ve been a test rider and team consultant for American Honda HRC since finishing my racing career. My new role has given me a chance to continue my love of riding/racing at a high level as well as to have the time needed to be the best Dad and Husband I can be.

 Although a lot has changed in my life, there has been one thing that has never changed; having a relationship with the creator of the universe who has loved me no matter how I’ve performed in racing and in my life. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

 As I continue my life passed racing I want to bring you along the journey as I grow, have a good time and share the stories of others.